
  • Chinese Chess Cookies

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    The Chinese Chess Cookies have 2 flavors in the shape of Chinese traditional chess game, one blister pack 1 flavor, Including paper game board and game instruction. Different color for identification and play a game before eating the cookies shall bring great fun.

  • Preserved Plum(话梅)

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    The traditional Huamei (话梅)was basically dried and salted plums, scented with licorice and sometimes other ingredients like: lemon juice, aniseed, cloves or cinnamon. It has been a favorite snack of Chinese, in particular ladies, for ages. It refreshes the mouth and the mind. Huamei is also regarded as a traditional Chinese medicine that is beneficial to the stomach, lungs or spleen.

  • Dried Orange Peel(陈皮)

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    The dried orange peel is unique Chinese traditional snacks and medicine. Preserved Mandarin Peel (九制陈皮) is very popular in Cantonese. It is a dried candied orange peel enjoyed by kids and adults with various ages. With a refreshingly bittersweet flavor of orange peels, it can relieve thirsty and stop coughing.

  • Chinese Dried Olive(橄榄)

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    The Chinese dried olive is dried or preserved with salt or sugar and other Chinese traditional spices and herb,  it is made from Chinese olive that is larger and more elongated in shape. Traditional Chinese Medicines utilizes Chinese Olive fruits for their anti-inflammatory and detoxifying properties as well as their ability to relieve sore throats, chronic coughs, fevers and excessive thirst.